Hello, I am Elisandra I am 19 years old and I am from San Carlos, a small town located in the south 


I have a sister and a brother, bárbara y Matías. Bárbara is thirteen years old and Matias is seven. They are very funny, they like to watch superhero series when they are together. Bárbara is shy and a very good reader, Matías is a very restless child and very good skater. They are the most important human beings in my life.


 I study psychology at Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad de chile. I really like my career and in general the area of social scinces. This is my first year in the university and due to of the pandemic i have online classes.

I used to dance contemporany dance and practice teather, but the pandemic has changed my hobbies. Now I practice siwinging with flags and pois.


  1. Wow, I love your hobbies, one day I hope to learn something flags 🎭

  2. What a beautiful relationship you have with your little brothers, it shows that they are very close, it would be a pleasure to meet you


  3. I loved your blog! I would like to learn contemporary dance sometime, it is something very nice


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