
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. 

This week I will write about the pandemic 

 I believe that a general mental health problem generated in the pandemic is anxiety. this may be due to the confinement and uncertainty caused by the pandemic. I have personally experienced this mental health problem in the general population. 

To cope with the confinement I try to have a routine (although in this situation it is very difficult) and do things that I like. For example: I try to do yoga every morning, not miss the most important meals, cook, tidy up, spend time with my sister and brother; and maintain basic things like getting up every day (even that is hard to do sometimes). 

The pandemic has meant a radical change in people's lives. It has taken us away from our nearest and dearest, and it has also meant a constant state of stress, which in excess can lead to mental health problems. It has also reflected, in countries like ours, the great inequality and problems of the majority of the population. 

When the pandemic is over I plan to go to live in Santiago, study, get to know the university and be with the friends I have been able to make at the university online. 


  1. I totally understand the difficulties of doing simple things as getting up in the morning. Quarantine has been a really difficult time for all of us, but I hope those activities help you bear with them.

  2. Well done. In the last sentence, you should say and be with my new friends or friends I will be able to make at the university.


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