


Learning English at the university  and in pandemic has become complex, I can't always get into classes and I have to watch them later, and learning English is not so easy for me because I am not so good at languages.

However, blogging has been a very useful and fun way to implement English in my life, because I am learning new words, connectors and ways to order words, while doing something fun like writing a blog.

I have a hard time speaking English, I don't know so much vocabulary either, so English is quite difficult for me in general. I think a good way to improve it and learn English is to listen to music in English, watch movies in English with Spanish subtitles or in Spanish with English subtitles and try to read some things in English, my university classmates and friends have recommended me to do these activities, and I think they can be very useful.

Outside of English class and blogging, I use English when watching movies, listening to and singing music, that's about it.

I hope to continue learning English, I think it is very important to get by in life. It gives the possibility of having more job opportunities, in the study, because I could go to another country to study or work, and do many other things. There are times when I have been limited by not knowing English when studying, because my professors sometimes make us read research in English and I can't read it. 


  1. I'm pretty sure you will improve your English skills!

  2. Even as you said that English is not very easy for you, your blogs are really well done, so, I know that you will keep improving!


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